Delay repay- the (not) fun, headache-causing board game about Britain’s ‘best’ public transport.
>some idiot from Canterbury Christ Church University
As part of my second trimester during my MA in Games Design course, I began work on an exciting project that focused on the process of designing a physical tabletop game. This project was particularly significant as it allowed me to merge my academic learning with my professional 3D skills, providing a comprehensive hands-on experience in gameplay design.
Given that my primary ability lies in 3D modelling, I seized this opportunity to highlight and apply my skills in creating 3D printable materials. These materials were not just supplementary but integral to enhancing the overall gameplay experience of the tabletop game. By incorporating 3D printed elements, I aimed to bring a unique and tangible dimension to the game, adding layers of depth and interaction that would not be possible with traditional game pieces.
My focus was to ensure that these 3D assets seamlessly integrated with the core mechanics of the board game, thereby enriching the player’s engagement and immersion. This approach allowed me to use my strengths in 3D art, an area where I have considerable experience and passion, while also navigating the challenges of tabletop gameplay design, which was relatively new to me.
For simplicity and ease of access, this project has been created in both the form of printable cards, as well as 3D-printable assets which can be easily created to scale with any domestic 3D-printer.
The rhetoric of this game centers on the fusion of 3D printable assets with traditional board game design to create an engaging and visually appealing tabletop experience. The game plays on the of European protests/issues to a more relatable and localized subject—the UK railway system and its shortcomings. This change aims to make the game more appealing by addressing a familiar issue for british citizens.
The primary objective of this project was to create a captivating board game that was complemented by these 3D printable assets. These assets were designed to work in consonance with the base game, enhancing its visual appeal and functionality. This project not only underscored the importance of 3D art in game design but also broadened my understanding of how physical and digital elements can be combined to create a cohesive and engaging game experience.
According to the project brief, the primary focus was to highlight European protests. This topic did not align with my interests, making it challenging for me to develop engaging gameplay elements. Consequently, I opted to create a game centered around the UK railway system, exploring how its failures lead to civilian dissatisfaction. I then derived the gameplay mechanics from this theme, allowing for a more locally appealing and relatable gameplay experience. I began by sketching key concepts, envisioning a tileable system where track parts could be laid out. This layout, reminiscent of Monopoly, features a modular design allowing for a randomized track arrangement. The core gameplay loop is turn-based, involving dice rolls and event-triggering cards drawn each turn. While this approach departs from traditional strategic board games, it emphasizes randomization, which I believe enhances engagement as a party-style game.

Rule book
This game is designed to work with a minimum of four players, but can scale further according to how many printed pieces are available
Starting the game
The goal of the game is to reach the end of the track or to eliminate other players through the use of event cards. The game will end when a player has reached the end of the track, or if all the other players have been eliminated.
Board Movement
- Players will take turns and perform various actions. During a player’s turn, the player can choose to either cause congestion (wait a turn) or pick up an action card and advance one step.
- Players cannot overtake other players in their turn, unless specifically stated on their action card.
When a player reaches a station, they must stop and call at this station for their next turn unless an action card states they are a fast train.
Some action cards will allow the player to upgrade their train. They can hold a maximum of two upgrade cards and can discard their upgrades at any time. For example, this may include additional capacity or a line-speed upgrade.
Action cards
Action cards can be picked up during each turn, however only a maximum of three can be held in a player’s hand at any given time. The action cards are split into three different categories and must be shuffled at random at the start of the game:
- Positive: This will advance the player one step, or can be used to hinder another player’s progression
- Neutral: These cards are blanks. They only allow the player to proceed or upgrade their train.
- Negative: These cards will directly affect the player’s abilities. They must be used as soon as they are picked up and cannot be skipped. This infers the protest of passengers when infrastructure breaks down.
Example sequence of a player’s turn
- Player A chooses to pick up an action card rather than idling to delay player B, C and D’s progress.
- Player A’s action card they picked up is a traction fault, therefore they must stop at the next station for two turns.
- Player A now proceeds as usual to the next step, and it is now Player B’s turn
The economic system within this board game is designed to naturally guide player progression, rewarding those who excel in strategic planning and foresight. Players who can anticipate future needs and make advanced decisions tend to perform better due to the nature of this game’s economy.
One key aspect of the game is the decision-making process surrounding upgrades. Holding onto certain upgrades can provide long-term benefits, allowing players to build a stronger foundation and gain advantages over time. These upgrades might offer improved advancements, additional actions, or other benefits that enhance a player’s overall strategy. For instance, an upgrade that bolsters capacity can lead to exponential progression, giving the player a substantial advantage in later stages of the game.
However, the game also rewards tactical flexibility. In some scenarios, a savvy player may choose to forgo specific upgrades in favor of immediate gains or to adapt to changing circumstances. This could involve abandoning a potential upgrade path to invest in a short-term strategy that disrupts opponents or capitalizes on a unique opportunity. For example, sacrificing an upgrade might allow a player to amass resources quickly and execute a decisive move that clinches success.
3D Design

Once I had completed the basic mechanics using crude, sketched, and cut-out playable pieces, I aimed to enhance the game with my 3D modelling skills, which was particularly important to me. Instead of using a traditional 2D board, I decided to create 3D printable track pieces that would require minimal assembly once produced and could be easily randomized at the start of each game to increase replayability.
For the character pieces, I designed decrepit-looking wagons to represent the age and abilities of some of Britain’s oldest rolling stock, fitting seamlessly into the theme of trains breaking down. To indicate upgrades associated with the neutral action cards, I created upgrade pieces that can be placed inside the wagons, clearly displaying the player’s advancements.
The intention behind this 3D design was to allow the files to be easily distributed and 3D printed at home. I did not focus on texturing, as it is unnecessary for 3D printing, and this also gives players the freedom to customize the colour of the printable parts.
In conclusion, while this project meets many of my standards, it is not without its imperfections. I have established a basic gameplay flow that ensures varied and unique experiences in each session. The 3D designed pieces stand out as the highlight of my work, though the gameplay loop still requires further refinement.
There remains room for improvement, particularly in addressing the balancing issues arising from the cards. Drawing from past experiences, I consciously limited the scope of this project to avoid exceeding deadlines and ending up with an incomplete game. Although the game’s functionality is not overly ambitious, it represents a crucial step in my understanding of gameplay flow and what makes a core gameplay loop engaging and entertaining.
Future projects will benefit from the insights gained here, particularly in areas requiring more comprehensive attention to detail to achieve higher quality outcomes. This project has been a significant learning experience, enhancing my critical thinking skills during the initial design phase, which will be invaluable in my future endeavours.
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